34 Ingenious Products That’ll Make Your Life A Heck Of A Lot Easier This Spring

Many reviewers say they are "in love" with this water bottle. Available in 4 sizes and 22 colors.

Promising review: "Yes, this bottle prevents leaks and spills. Yes, this bottle keeps beverages cold. Yes, it has a great carrying handle and complementary colors. But what really stands out about this one is how great it is to drink from. When I was a teacher, I had students who called their water bottles their comfort blanket. Never understood it until now. I don't like drinking out of a straw, but the opening of the straw is so perfect and convenient that I use it over the large opening. I'm drinking three bottles (32 oz bottle) a day now, way more than I ever have before. The water somehow tastes better (maybe how cold it is?), too, making me more likely to drink. I've had other water bottles. Hated them all. But I LOVE this one and bring it everywhere." — Alyssa Corcoran

News source: The Huffington Post

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