Turkey condemns Honduras for moving embassy to occupied lands

Turkey condemns Honduras for moving embassy to occupied lands
Mehr News
Mehr News - June 25th, 2021

Turkey and the Arab League condemned Honduras late Thursday for moving its embassy in Tel Aviv to the occupied lands, Anadolu reported.

“It was an unfortunate development that Honduras moved its embassy in Tel Aviv to the occupied lands and the opening of the embassy took place today (June 24). We condemn this decision,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“By this step, Honduras has violated international law, including United Nations resolutions on the status of occupied lands, damaging its vision of a two-state solution and peace prospects in the region,” it said.

Turkey also invited Honduras to return from “this misstep.”

The Zionist regime's Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez inaugurated the Honduran Embassy in occupied lands on Thursday.


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