All ethnic groups to take part in future govt. of Afghanistan

All ethnic groups to take part in future govt. of Afghanistan
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 27th, 2021

In a meeting with a number of Afghan Shia representatives on Monday, he emphasized that all ethnic groups will participate in the future of government in Afghanistan.

While appreciating Shias' support for the Taliban, Maulvi Abdul Kabeer said that Afghanistan is the common home of all ethnic groups and that all these groups will participate in the future establishment of the government in this country.

Demands and suggestions of Shias in this country will be discussed and following, governors will be contacted if needed in order to solve current problems, he added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Deputy Prime Minister of Taliban for Political Affairs stressed that ensuring security, creating welfare for Afghan people is the main duty of the government in Afghanistan.

Taliban officials have repeatedly stated that they seek to form an inclusive government with the participation of all ethnic groups.


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Mehr News - December 27th, 2021