Pro-Zionism Germany bans 3 groups close to Hezbollah

Pro-Zionism Germany bans 3 groups close to Hezbollah
Mehr News
Mehr News - May 19th, 2021

In yet another move in support of the Israeli crimes, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced a ban on three groups close to Hezbollah, the AFP said in a report.

The move against Hezbollah followed several rallies in support of the Palestinian resistance in cities across Germany amid ongoing clashes between Gaza resistance groups and the Israeli regime.

A pro-Palestinian demonstration in Berlin resulted in clashes and arrests late last week.

Many Western countries, including Germany and Austria, which consider themselves to be a supporter of human rights, have officially supported the Israeli crimes and have vowed that they will stand by Tel Aviv.

The new round of clashes between the Palestinian resistance and the Zionist regime began last Monday after an ultimatum given by the Gaza resistance forces to Tel Aviv expired at 6 PM local time. The Palestinian resistance groups had requested the pullout of the Israeli forces from the al-Aqsa Mosque and Qud's Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, where the Zionist settlers with the support of the Israeli security forces were trying to forcefully evict Palestinian families.  The forceful eviction of Palestinians sparked Palestinian demonstrations for days before the Gaza conflict began.

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, the number of Palestinians martyred by the Israeli regime's airstrikes has mounted to 221, including 61 children and 36 women. More than 1,400 Palestinians have also been injured so far.

In retaliation, the Gaza resistance forces have fired thousands of rockets towards the occupied lands, killing and injuring dozens of Zionists.



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