Briefing on Iran's daily developments

Briefing on Iran's daily developments
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 25th, 2021

Iran hopes change in coalition's approach may bring peace

Iranian FM's senior assistant on special political affairs hoped that the changes in the Saudi-led coalition's approach against the oppressed people of Yemen will lead to peace in the country.

Netanyahu resorts to bigoted lie to conjure racist Iranphobia

In response to anti-Iranian remarks of Israeli Prime Minister, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that Benjamin Netanyahu has resorted to the bigoted lies to conjure racist Iranophobia.

UN rapporteur not qualified for Ukrainian plane issue

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman said that the issue of the Ukrainian plane is not within the qualifications of the UN rapporteur Anees Kalamar.

Intelligence forces thwart a terrorist operation in W Iran

Ministry of Intelligence announced the neutralization of a terror operation and killing of two terrorists who were planning to carry out an operation in Piranshahr, West Azarbaijan province.

US must take first step to save JCPOA: envoy

It is up to the United States to make the first move in saving the Iran nuclear deal, Iran’s ambassador in Geneva told the UN-sponsored Conference on Disarmament on Wednesday.

Giant Kaman 22 drones unveiled by Iran air force

Today, the Iran Air Force has the technology to build various types of UAVs, and the Kaman 22 drones are the first large combat UAVs in the country, Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh.

Seoul determined to resolve Iran’s financial resources issue

In a phone talk with his Iranian counterpart, the South Korean Foreign Minister said that Seoul is determined to resolve the issue of Iran’s financial resources.

Rouhani receives new ambassadors' credentials (+Details)

President Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday received copies of credentials of the new ambassadors of five countries to Tehran.

Iran COVID-19 update: 8,270 cases, 73 deaths in 24 hours

The Iranian Health Ministry has confirmed 8,270 COVID-19 infections and 73 deaths due to the disease in the past 24 hours.


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Mehr News - February 25th, 2021