Iran calls on E3 to stop being unconstructive in Vienna talks

Iran calls on E3 to stop being unconstructive in Vienna talks
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 27th, 2021

Speaking in his weekly press conference on Monday, Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh briefed on the latest Iranian foreign policy developments and answered a number of questions put forward by the journalists.

General Soleimani 'hero' in fight against terrorism

On the occasion of the second anniversary of the martyrdom of the Iranian top general Qassem Soleimani, the spokesman stressed General Soleimani was a hero in the fight against terrorism.

Khatibzadeh stated that the act of internationally famous terrorists was to take revenge on the great general, adding that the Islamic Republic of Iran has been a target of both political and economic terrorism (sanctions) since its establishment.

The US action in assassinating Gen. Qassem Soleimani was an example of a terrorist attack and state terrorism, which was designed and carried out by the US government, Khatibzadeh added.

He also pointed out that the US government must be held to account for that crime, stressing that Iran would spare no effort to bring the perpetrators to justice.

One of Iran's actions in this regard was the formation of a joint committee with Iraq to follow up on the case, the spokesman said, adding that two sides have signed a joint document so far.

He also said that during the second meeting of the Iran-Iraq Joint Committee on investigating the criminal act, the Iranian side presented a 300-page collection about the act of terrorism to the Iraqi side.

Iranian FM visit to Azerbaijan 'good, successful'

Elsewhere in his remarks, he announced that the Foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian's visit to Baku was good and successful.

The spokesman said that the foreign minister held good talks with the high-ranking officials during the trip and said that good agreements were achieved. "There was a good leap in the bilateral relations in the talks," he added.

Certain European countries playing a non-constructive role in Vienna talks

Referring to the new round of Vienna talks starting on Monday, Khatibzadeh noted that some European countries are playing a non-constructive role.

He stressed that Iran has always had a constructive attitude in the talks and it calls on other parties to attend the new round of talks with the intention of reaching a good agreement.

He called on the three European countries to stop being indifferent and instead present a serious program to return to abiding by their own commitments.  

Khatibzadeh continued to say that Iran recommends other parties to take part in the new round of talks with an agenda that leads the talks towards reaching an agreement.

Iran to stand with Yemenis to make world hear their voice

Talking about the statement made by a Saudi coalition spokesman on Iran's role in the Ansarallah attacks, Khatibzadeh stressed that Iran stands with the oppressed people of Yemen until their voice is heard by the world,

Iran is trying to find a lasting solution to the Yemeni crisis as soon as possible, he added.

There is no problem with presence of IAEA inspectors in Iran

With regard to the IAEA inspectors in Iran, the Iranian spokesman said, "The process of the presence of inspectors in Iran is recognized and as long as it will be done in a technical framework after observing the rules and regulations and the principle of neutrality and confidentiality, we have no problem with the presence of inspectors in the framework of safeguards and NPT."

Iran indirectly, unofficially exchanging texts with US in Vienna talks

He also spoke about the Iraqi Foreign Minister's remarks about establishing a direct relationship between Iran and the United States, saying that Iran has never doubted the goodwill of Iraqis, and the Iraqi foreign minister has clearly stated his views and spoke with the Iranian FM Amir-Abdollahian in that regard.

Stating that Iran has always said that it has to see a change to make a response to the US requests, Khatibzadeh stressed in line with the interests of the Iranian nation, the Iranian negotiating team is indirectly and unofficially exchanging texts with the US in the Vienna talks.


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Mehr News - December 27th, 2021