Taliban target Afghanistan’s Kandahar Airport with rocket

Taliban target Afghanistan’s Kandahar Airport with rocket
Mehr News
Mehr News - August 8th, 2021

While confirming Taliban's rocket attacks on Kandahar Airport, Kandahar Airport Chief Massoud Ahmad Pashtun said that Taliban members targeted Kandahar Airport for several times with several rockets.

He went on to say that Taliban rocket attacks on Kandahar Airport have halted flights and activities of planes at this airport.

However, the recent Taliban rocket attacks are said to have caused no casualties although operations at Kandahar Airport will be suspended until further notice.

This is for the several times in recent days that Kandahar airport has been targeted by Taliban, he added.

The security situation in Afghanistan has deteriorated sharply as Taliban have managed to seize many areas following the irresponsible withdrawal of the United States from the country.


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