Knowledge-based firm produces environment-friendly disinfectant

Knowledge-based firm produces environment-friendly disinfectant
Mehr News
Mehr News - May 11th, 2020

The firm is now mass producing multi oxidant solution that can be used to both sanitize surfaces and hands.

The solution is produced by electrolysis of sodium chloride (NaCl) brine in an electrolytic cell. CEO of this company said that the process is exclusively owned by this firm, noting that no chemical compound is being used in the manufacturing process and so the product is environmentally friendly.

The solution does not threaten the health of people using it, he said, adding that it is also alkaline in nature and non-flammable.

As almost the rest of the world, Iran faced a shortage of disinfectants and other products needed for the fight against the novel coronavirus in the beginning weeks of the outbreak. However, knowledge-based firms, industrial units, and military organizations used their capacities to fulfill the domestic need.

The country is now producing its required COVID-19 test kits, face masks, disinfectants, and some medical equipment and even export the surplus production to other countries that need them.

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