S. Arabia, UAE are American puppets in Yemen: Al-Houthi

S. Arabia, UAE are American puppets in Yemen: Al-Houthi
Mehr News
Mehr News - August 8th, 2021

Mohammad Ali Al-Houthi, a member of Yemen's Supreme Political Council, made the comments on the sidelines of an anti-American demonstration in the capital Sanna on Sunday.

"When the Americans went to Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, the people there were hurt, and today our people are suffering because of them. We are under blockade," Al-Houthi said according to al-Mayadeen TV.

"The United States is constantly trying to devalue the Yemeni rial against the dollar, and we do not need the help of the aggressors, and if they return port, oil and gas revenues, we will commit to paying all the salaries of our employees," he added.

At the end of the demonstration, a final resolution was issued which read, "The United States is behind the blockade and the crimes against the Yemeni people and the hike in the customs duties are carried out by the US puppets (Saudi Arabia and the UAE)."

The resolution further described starvation, blockade and sanctions against Yemen as an economic war against the civilian Yemenis.

The participants also called on the resistance forces to launch fierce attacks on the invading forces.


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