MP says Zionist regime not able to confront Islamic Republic

MP says Zionist regime not able to confront Islamic Republic
Mehr News
Mehr News - August 8th, 2021

Although the Zionist Regime is trying to present itself as an independent actor, it is dependant on the United States, Iranian lawmaker Ahmad Alirezabeigi said, adding that the regime does not do anything without the permission of the United States.

Saying that the root of the Zionist regime is based on terror and infiltration, he noted, "Israel is inherently a terrorist regime and has no plans for military confrontation."

Zionists officials are well aware that they have no ability to confront the Islamic Republic of Iran in a military way, he stressed.

The Zionists have never been capable to confront the Islamic Republic of Iran, and they will not have the ability to do so, he reiterated.

If Zionists make a mistake and seek to take military action against the Iranian nation, they will face a crushing response from the Islamic Republic of Iran, said the MP.

"According to General Hajizadeh, we have a high military preparedness and we have the ability to use this military capability", he added.


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