Exhibition of Iranian art underway in China

Exhibition of Iranian art underway in China
Mehr News
Mehr News - August 8th, 2021

An exhibition featuring traditional Persian art and leading Iran contemporary artwork has been put on display in Shanghai since Wednesday to introduce Persian civilization, allow Chinese viewers to feel contemporary Iranian culture, and extend friendship between the two nations, Global Times reported.

The exhibition titled "Dialogue Beyond Time & Space—2021 The Legend of Persia Art" will wrap up on August 10 at Powerlong Art Center.

The year 2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Iran.

From paintings and sculptures to art installations, the exhibition brought art pieces that were created by 43 contemporary Iranian artists to present a combination of Persian classic art and a modern look to Chinese viewers for the first time.

According to Ramazan Parvaz, Consul General of Iran in Shanghai, who addressed the opening ceremony, Iran and China have a friendship dating back to the ancient Silk Road era and the profound interaction between the two countries in trade and culture has been extended to the present, with their cultures enjoying a vast range of areas in common.



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