WHO warns of possible third coronavirus wave in Europe

WHO warns of possible third coronavirus wave in Europe
Mehr News
Mehr News - July 1st, 2021

The WHO said in a statement that a 10-week decline in new coronavirus infections across the region has come to an end and a new wave of infections is inevitable if football fans and others drop their guard, according to Reuters.

Last week, the number of new cases rose by 10%, driven by the mixing of crowds in Euro 2020 host cities, travel, and easing of social restrictions, WHO said.

In the wake of the emerging wave of the pandemic in Europe, the new German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer called a decision by European soccer's governing body UEFA to allow big crowds at Euro 2020 "utterly irresponsible".

The rise in new COVID-19 cases is happening as the more contagious Delta virus variant spreads rapidly across Europe.

The rise in infections has raised concern that a third wave could spread across Europe in the autumn if people don't get vaccinated.


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