Saudi-led coalition kills, injure 20 Yemenis in past 24 hours

Saudi-led coalition kills, injure 20 Yemenis in past 24 hours
Mehr News
Mehr News - July 1st, 2021

The Saudi coalition committed a new crime in the Al-Raqo border area in Saada Province in northern Yemen on Thursday, July 1, killing or injuring eight Yemeni civilians.

According to Yemeni "", two Yemenis were killed and six others were wounded in a Saudi coalition missile and artillery attack in the al-Raqo area.

On Wednesday Saudi coalition warplanes repeatedly attacked the Al-Raqo city market, in which, according to preliminary reports, eight Yemeni civilians were reportedly wounded.

The border town of Shada's in Saada Province was also targeted by Saudi coalition artillery and missiles on Thursday, injuring two Yemeni civilians.

Al-masirah reported today that about 20 Yemeni civilians were injured in yesterday's and today's attacks by the Saudi coalition, some of whom are in critical condition.

The Saudi and UAE-led coalition began its aggression on Yemen in 2015 in support of the ousted Hadi government which was driven out of the capital Sanna by the Houthi Ansarullah and Popular Committees (army).


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