Front pages of Iran’s English dailies on August 8

Headlines of Iran's Persian dailies on August 8
Mehr News
Mehr News - August 8th, 2021

Aftab-e Yazd:

Leader thanks Iranian medalists in Tokyo 2020


Iran mission to UN: Documents on attack against Mercer Street foiled

Raeisi sets deadline for finalizing comprehensive transformation plan on dealing with pandemic

IRGC cmdr. vows ‘harsh’ response to any aggression


Judiciary chief visits Evin prison, talks with political prisoners


Olympics’ last gold medal for Iran snatched by Ganjzadeh

Resistance groups, regional officials voice strong support for Hezbollah

Raeisi to unveil comprehensive transformation plan on confronting Coronavirus next week


Ganjzadeh named third Iranian gold medalist in Olympics

Iran will not hesitate to defend its sovereignty


Iran’s top military commanders: Do not retest Iran’s power

Jomhuri Eslami:

UK, US’ green light to Taliban terrorists

Zionist media: Israeli regime surprised by Hezbollah response


Iraqi Nujaba says ready to help Hazbollah confront Zionist regime


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