Journalism should create awareness of shortcomings

Journalism should create awareness of shortcomings
Mehr News
Mehr News - August 8th, 2021

In the age of information and technology, the journalist as a means of information provider certainly plays a vital and undeniable role. In today's world, despite the advanced and numerous communication technologies in the rapid access to various information and resources, as well as the conflicts that are clearly prevalent in most parts of the globe, obtaining accurate and reliable information is possible only through journalists and reporters.

Journalists, who are one of the key figures in this important issue, must accept the many dangers to find out the truth of the issue and convey it to the people.

In 1978, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) also adopted declarations on the role of the mass media in promoting world peace and international understanding. In this declaration, the necessity of moral and social education of journalists was presented.

Mordad 17 in the Iranian calendar corresponding with August 8 has been designated as Journalist Day in Iran to commemorate the martyrdom of Iranian journalist Mahmoud Saremi who was martyred along with eight members of the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Afghanistan on August 8, 1988.

Iranian reporters & Former Iranian Vice President Es'hagh Jahangiri. 3 February 2021

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