Lebanese al-Mayadeen launches its English-edition website

Lebanese al-Mayadeen launches its English-edition website
Mehr News
Mehr News - July 1st, 2021

"On the ninth anniversary of the launch of Al Mayadeen Media Network, we were late in issuing Al Mayadeen net in English, yet here it is; our first English edition officially launched. It is our third edition after our Arabic and Spanish editions," Ghassan Ben Jeddou, Al Mayadeen Network CEO said in a note published on its website.

The CEO said, "Our main concern was to address the Arab public opinion. Who can forget the circumstances under which Al Mayadeen was established prior to the actual fulfillment of our dream of its birth? Who can forget that we were in the midst of blood-shedding and destructive Arab, regional, and international conflicts? Can we ever forget the "Decade of Fire" that was and is still fueled by media outlets blinded and driven by all forms of ignorance and distortion campaigns to the extent that they actually became essential collaborators in the killing and destruction? We were and still are at the heart of the public opinion battle."

He noted, "Al Mayadeen English focus will be on the new generations and renewed minds, using modern and scientific language."

"Al Mayadeen English joining Al Mayadeen Online is a modest yet well-established step. It is rooted, unwavering, and resilient. It constitutes of a young crew led by an intelligent and creative administration.

""On the ninth anniversary of the launch of Al Mayadeen Media Network, we were late in issuing Al Mayadeen net in English, yet here it is; our first English edition officially launched"Thus, this site may usher in a new era for Al Mayadeen," Mr. Ben Jeddou added.

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