Sanctions must be lifted within next 3 months: Iran UN envoy

Sanctions must be lifted within next 3 months: Iran UN envoy
Mehr News
Mehr News - February 25th, 2021

The Iranian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the United Nations Majid Takht-e Ravanchi made the comments in an interview with Arabic-language Aljazeera TV.

Ravanchi stressed that if the sanctions are lifted within the next three months, Iran will live up to its commitments, too.

He noted that the measures taken by Iran after Washington withdrew from the nuclear deal did not escalate tensions.

In a part of the interview, which will be broadcast in detail on Friday, the Iranian envoy referred to the recent visit of the Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Grossi, to Tehran and stressed that his comments about the need for lifting of the sanctions within three months come with regard to an agreement reached with the IAEA chief during his Tehran visit.

The US government withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal or the so-called JCPOA in a unilateral action on May 8, 2018, in violation of international rules, and imposed the toughest economic sanctions on the Iranian nation.

According to 15 reports by the IAEA, the Islamic Republic of Iran had fully complied with its obligations under the JCPOA, and continued to do so even a year after the US pullout.

Following the European inaction in compensating for the US withdrawal and the return of sanctions, Iran reduced its obligations in five steps in accordance with Article 36 of the deal, and finally, by fulfilling parliament legislation to lift the sanctions, it began uranium enrichment to 20% and ceased voluntarily implementation of the Additional Protocol.

The new US President Joe Biden, who played a key role in the initial negotiations to reach a nuclear deal, has not returned his country to the JCPOA obligations despite the fact that he had repeatedly promised during his presidential campaign to do so.

But now the US adminstration, without agreeing to lift the sanctions, is seeking to hold talks with Iran within the framework of the P5 + 1 and insists it will not lift any sanctions.

With this decision of the Biden government, the United States continues to violate Security Council Resolution 2231 and the nuclear agreement.


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