Turkey sets pre-conditions for leaving Syria

Turkey sets pre-conditions for leaving Syria
Mehr News
Mehr News - December 27th, 2021

Russia's Special Envoy for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev said in a statement that the Turkish envoys in the Astana summit which was held a few days ago in the Nur-Sultan had said that the Turkish military would leave Syria at the earliest opportunity.

Hürriyet Turkish newspaper referring to special sources has claimed that Turkey’s military presence in Syria’s border areas is aimed at fighting terrorist groups (PKK) and Ankara’s first purpose is to protect territorial integrity, a report by Shaam times reported.

Turkish sources have said that Ankara revealed its pre-conditions for its exit from Syria.

Hürriyet Turkish newspaper wrote that Turkey has set 4 conditions for leaving Syria: Establishing a new constitution in Syria that preserves the rights of all different Syrian groups; Establishing an electoral system in which all the segments of the society can participate in the election; Formation of a legitimate government emerged from elections; and the Syrian legitimate government will have to destroy all the terrorist organizations who seek to violate Turkey’s territorial integrity in areas on the shared borders.

Hürriyet Turkish newspaper also wrote if those four pre-conditions are met, Ankara will leave the country.

This is while the legitimate Syrian government describes the presence of the Turkish troops on its soil as illegitimate and occupation.


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